Sixth Committee - Legal (6th Legal)
Chair: Austin Cheng
Topic A: Legal Ramifications of Various State Practices in the South China Sea
Topic B: Reevaluating the Efficiency of Global Counter-Terrorist Measures
Committee Type: Large Dual Delegation
Chair: Austin Cheng
Topic A: Legal Ramifications of Various State Practices in the South China Sea
Topic B: Reevaluating the Efficiency of Global Counter-Terrorist Measures
Committee Type: Large Dual Delegation
Chair: Austin Cheng
Topic A: Legal Ramifications of Various State Practices in the South China Sea
Topic B: Reevaluating the Efficiency of Global Counter-Terrorist Measures
Committee Type: Large Dual Delegation
Committee Profile
The Sixth Committee is the primary medium for the discussion, consideration, and debate of legal questions within the General Assembly. The 6th Committee (Legal) often deals with issues such as the promotion of justice and international law or drug control as well as issues of international terrorism or accountability within various United Nations justice matters. Delegates will be expected to examine the following topics in a political manner, weighing legal and ethical considerations.
Topic A will evaluate various state practices in the South China Sea including the legal ramifications and possible solutions to the respective dispute. Specifically, delegates will be analyzing China’s claims of sovereignty over the sea and the relative importance of the territory itself as such claims have antagonized various states such as Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam. China maintains that, under international law, foreign militaries cannot conduct intelligence operations in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). However, the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), argues that claimant countries should have freedom of navigation in the sea. Even while there is increasing pressure of international rulings against China and its declarations, recently more satellite imagery has shown that China continues to expand its force by physically increasing island sizes and creating installations. It is up to the delegates to evaluate various practices in the region and form comprehensive legal solutions that ensure the promotion of justice, ethics, and accountability in the international landscape.
Topic B will be evaluating use of force laws. Codified in Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter, a UN member state cannot threaten or use force against the territorial integrity or political independence of another state, or in any way that diverges from the purposes of the UN. Some scholars believe that the wording only specifies prohibiting military force, excluding non-military forces such as cyber attacks and economic sanctions. While some believe that a state may be able to use force outside its territory in situations where it doesn't affect the independence of another state including force used for humanitarian purposes or protecting citizens who are living abroad. However without these clear distinctions many members of the international community worry that states cite justifications such as these to hide or mask improper motives. It will be up to the delegates to re-evaluate various laws, norms, and concerns regarding use of force laws and establish a comprehensive solution that facilitates sovereign, self-defense, and independence.
Chair Letter
Hello Delegates!
My name is Austin Cheng (he/him). I am a third-year student at UCLA majoring in Psychobiology and minoring in Social Thought. On campus, I am a researcher for the Marie and Alexander Shipman Cerebral Palsy Muscle lab and serve as the Co-Director of Public Relations for a service organization. I enjoy exploring the national parks, gymming, and playing board games with friends. I’m from Laguna Niguel, California, and as a result, I am an avid beach goer. After graduation, I hope to attend medical school and eventually pursue a career in medicine!
I have participated in MUN since my freshman year of high school, where I represented Lebanon in WHO. Since then, I’ve been in crisis and specialized committees ranging from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D vs. Agents of Hydra to the Legality of Cyber Warfare. I have found a particular passion for early-modern political committees, specifically about the rise of gun violence. This style of committee offers space for both meaningful debate and elaborate solutions. Thus, the topics for this committee align closely with my interests.
In MUN at UCLA, I have participated as a dais staffer for BruinMUN and LAMUN (our college conference). I am extremely grateful for the community I’ve found in this club, where I’ve met some of my closest friends here at UCLA! Looking forward to meeting you all at BruinMUN 2024 and hearing about your creative solutions to the issues in Sixth Committee - Legal.
Austin Cheng | Chair, 6th Legal | BruinMUN 32