Register for BruinMUN 32
Terms of Registration
Due to higher-than-anticipated registration numbers, BruinMUN 32 is now operating on a waitlist system for registrations on or after October 1st for all committee requests that are not Novice General Assembly. Anton Stover, our Director of External Relations, will message you within two weeks of your registration updating you on your waitlist status, but your delegation is not guaranteed to be admitted off the waitlist.
Please contact Anton Stover at external@bruinmun.org if you have any questions.
The registration form is available at the bottom of this page. Please read through the following information in its entirety before registering.
There is a flat $65 delegation fee for each school delegation that registers. Individual delegates are welcome to register without a delegation fee.
In addition, delegate fees will be calculated as follows (per delegate):
Early Registration (Jun 1 - Aug 1):
In-Person: $70
Regular Registration (Aug 2 - Oct 23):
In-Person: $75
Late Registration (Oct 24 - Nov 2):
In-Person: $85
Closed (Nov 2 - Nov 11)
For the purpose of calculating fees, your ‘registration period’ is considered to be the date on which you registered, regardless of when we bill you.
All payments are due 30 days from receipt of the invoice or at 9:00am on the day of the conference, whichever occurs first. Please contact finance@bruinmun.org if you have any issues with paying your invoice by the due date.
Individual Delegates
In addition to welcoming schools of all sizes, BruinMUN gladly welcomes individual delegates to our conference. On the registration form, please select “Individual Delegate” when registering and include your full name (instead of “School Name”). The individual delegate form is intended only for delegates participating independently from any other delegate/school. Please note, we will not honor any requests for individual delegates to be paired with other individual delegates unless they register as a group.
If a group of independent delegates, unaffiliated with a school, would like to attend BruinMUN and participate together, they must register as a school and will be held responsible for the delegation fee. Only one form is required per group. In the “School Name” category, please include a group name (typically a name of a high school or parent/guardian leader) to help us identify your group.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact external@bruinmun.org.
Payment Methods
Payment will be accepted by check or credit card. Please select the correct option when filling out the online registration form, and an invoice will be sent to you within 2 business days. If you select to pay by credit card, you will receive a link to pay online with your invoice, which will include a 3.5% credit card payment fee.
Checks should be made out and sent to:
Model United Nations at UCLA
907 Westwood Blvd, #432
Los Angeles, CA, 90024
Information on waivers will be available soon. Please contact external@bruinmun.org with any questions or concerns.
Attendance Policy
We will work with you to ensure that every member of your delegation is able to participate. We cannot allow any delegates to participate if they have not paid within the appropriate time frame or made alternative arrangements with our Director of External Relations. If you have any questions, please contact our Director of External Relations, Anton Stover, at external@bruinmun.org.
Registration Form
For a list of committees, and information on their delegation size and format, please click here. We encourage you to share your committee preferences where indicated on the registration form.
An important thing to note - registering does not guarantee a spot. In the event that we do not have the space to accommodate any further registrations, we will add any requests to a waitlist and communicate that accordingly.
The registration form can be found at the bottom of this page.
By submitting registration, you accept to take responsibility for the registration fees for the school & delegates you are registering on behalf of.
Delegation Changes
If you would like to add or remove delegates from your delegation, please email external@bruinmun.org with the following information:
Your school name
Your new number of delegates (irrespective of dual-delegations)
Whether your delegates will be attending in-person or online
Which allocation(s) you no longer wish to have (if dropping delegates)
Drop Policy
Please work to finalize any delegation changes and notify us by October 23rd in order to secure a refund and ensure the best committee experience for all attendees. You may submit a delegation change request via the process above and CC finance@bruinmun.org to be considered for a refund.
Changes on or before October 23: Delegate fees will be refunded in full.
Changes on or before November 1: 50% of delegate fees will be refunded
Changes after November 1: Delegate fees will not be refunded.
Questions & Concerns
We would love to answer any questions you may have about our conference or Terms of Registration. Please direct any inquiries or concerns regarding registration and allocations to our Director of External Relations, Anton Stover, at external@bruinmun.org, or any questions regarding payment and invoicing to our Director of Finance, Saksham Madaan, at finance@bruinmun.org.
Registration Form
For a preliminary list of committees, please click here.
By submitting registration, you accept to take responsibility for the registration fees for the school & delegates you are registering on behalf of.